Haul’n Ass since 1949!
Our History
The Colorado Pack Burro Ass-ociation was formed over 50 years ago by a small group of burro racing enthusiasts who saw a need to be better organized and track race results, establish guidelines for how competitors should conduct themselves, and enforce rules for how burros should be treated. Early on, it was evident the sport was destined to grow so the members voted to change the name to the Western Pack Burro Ass-ociation (WPBA). The vision of those early members was spot on because the sport of Pack Burro Racing is growing by leaps and bounds across the United States. Every year the Triple Crown sees more and more burros and their humans from multiple states and countries.
In 2012 members of the WPBA lobbied the state and were successful in getting Pack Burro Racing recognized as the official summer heritage sport of Colorado. Colorado is the only state that has taken this important step to preserve the heritage and history of the burro. After all, Colorado was built on the backs of these little critters. They were instrumental in establishing the various mining towns throughout the Colorado Rockies.
Today the Western Pack Burro Ass-ociation carries on the tradition of service to the burro racing community by promoting the sport of Pack Burro Racing. The WPBA lends their expertise to race events that follow the bylaws and rules outlined in their charter. Their members help promote races through television news stories, newspapers, books and magazines, social media and word-of-mouth.
The second responsibility of the WPBA is to be an advocate for the burro. The WPBA has established rules that ensure the humane treatment of burros. In 2020, WPBA members voted to abolish an antiquated rule that required a burro to carry 33 pounds during races. The WPBA also strives to educate the public about the many positive traits of the burro. Ask any burro wrangler why they chose burros and you’re sure to get an ear full.
Lastly, the WPBA represents and supports its members. The board acts as the conduit between the many towns that hold races and the burro racing community. The board members avail themselves to volunteer to help race directors in any capacity they may need. WPBA members serve as volunteers to help keep roads clear during races, keep tabs on racers, take photos, serve at aid stations, respond to runners or burros that may need help on the course or, even pick up poop. WPBA members are the backbone of the association and they are passionate about burro racing and burros in general. These great people are always there to lend a hand when needed.
Pack Burro Racing has a long and colorful history in Colorado and throughout the west. The sport is spreading to many other states. So, it’s imperative that the WPBA be there to lend a hand when towns wish to organize a race. We will always put the treatment of the burro at the forefront of all of our decisions. Every burro that runs a race is a success story. These are animals that have been well taken care of, loved and trained. That’s why the Western Pack Burro Ass-ociation and its members are proud to support and promote the great sport of Pack Burro Racing.